We like performances

                Мюзикл « The magic star»/ «Волшебная звезда»
        Класс 2 

      Цель :развитие коммуникативных навыков учащихся           
Учебные задачи:
  1. отработать лексический материал в устной речи;
  2. закрепить знания грамматического материала;
  3. активизировать учебные умения и навыки школьников.
Воспитательно-образовательные задачи:
  1. развивать логическое мышление;
  2. расширить кругозор и словарный запас;
  3. развивать устную речь учащихся;
  4. повысить интерес к изучению английского языка;
  5. воспитывать уважение к культуре страны изучаемого языка.
Оснащение урока: тематические картинки, реквизит к мюзиклу, музыкальный центр.
-Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight.
I wish I may, I wish I may, oh, I wish my toys were alive.
-I’m a toy soldier. I can march.
-I’m a ballerina. I can dance.
-I’m a doll. I can dance.
-I’m a teddy bear. I can run.
-I’m a jack –in –the box. I can jump.
-I’m a puppet. I can sing.
-Oh, it’s great.
 Песня « Toys for me.»
-Oh, my toy box. 
Песня « In my toy box.»
-Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight.
I wish I may, I wish I may, oh, I wish my birthday party.
-Hello! Happy birthday to you!      
 Песня « Happy birthday to you!»

-I’ve got a present for you.
-What is it?
-It’s chocolate.  
Песня « 1,2,3,4 Yummy chocolate.» 
-I don’t like eggs. I like chocolate.
-I don’t like cheese. I like chocolate. 
Песня « Yummy chocolate.»   
-Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight.
I wish I may, I wish I may, oh, I wish my house.
-It’s your house.      -It’s your bed.                   -It’s your desk.         -It’s your chair.
-It’s your radio.        -It’s your computer.        -It’s your TV.
-Oh, it’s great.      
Песня «This is my house.»
-Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight.
I wish I may, I wish I may, oh, I wish a lot of animals.
 -I’m a dog. I can run.        
 - I’m a frog. I can jump.    
  -I’m a tortoise. I can walk.   
 -I’m a bird. I can fly.           
 -I’m a cat. I can climb.            
- I’m a fish. I can swim.  
 -I’m a horse. I can run.       
-I’m a chimp. I can climb and swing.
-Oh, it’s great! Let’s go to the circus.
-Hello! I’m a clown.           
   -Hello! I’m a magician.                -Hello! 

Песня « At the circus, in the town.»

-Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight.
I wish I may, I wish I may, oh, I wish a magic island .
-Close your eyes!    -Open your eyes!   
-Оh, a magic island .It’s great!
-It’s autumn. It’s windy and raining.
-It’s winter. It’s cold.
-It’s spring. It’s green.
-It’s summer. It’s sunny and  hot.

-We love to sing,
We love to play,
We love to talk together!
Set sail with us upon the sea,
Set sail with us for English!

                           Праздник английских сказок./ English Fairy TalesParty

   Классы 6          

Учебные задачи:

  1. отработать лексический материал в устной речи;
  2. закрепить знания грамматического материала;
  3. активизировать учебные умения и навыки школьников.

Воспитательно-образовательные задачи:

  1. развивать логическое мышление;
  2. расширить кругозор и словарный запас;
  3. развивать устную речь учащихся;
  4. повысить интерес к изучению английского языка;
  5. воспитывать уважение к культуре страны изучаемого языка.

Оснащение урока: тематические картинки, книги со сказками, реквизит к сценкам, музыкальный центр.

- Today's party is devoted to English fairy tales. We'll  see some plays and sing songs. Сегодня у нас праздник английских сказок. Мы приглашаем вас посмотреть постановки 4 –х английских сказок и послушать английские народные песни.
           У каждого народа есть свои сказки. Сказка – это вымышленная история со счастливым концом и обязательной победой добра над злом. Чаще всего в сказках присутствует волшебство и разные невероятные в обычной жизни приключения. Недоступное становится доступным, нереальное реальным. Именно поэтому читать сказки любят и дети, и взрослые. У каждого народа есть свои сказки с их особенностями – национальными героями, бытом. В них отражается душа народа, его мудрость, мысли и чаяния. В Англии народные сказки были собраны и записаны значительно позже, чем русские в России, немецкие в Германии и французские во Франции. Первые сборники английских народных сказок появились в конце прошлого века. Впервые собрал и опубликовал два тома английских народных сказок Джозеф Джекобс (1854—1916), президент английского фольклорного клуба.
Английские волшебные сказки отличаются большим разнообразием. Здесь и волшебные сказки с участием вымышленных персонажей, нечистой силы и героические сказки о великанах-людоедах и о борьбе с ними положительного героя, обычно представителя простого народа крестьянского сына Джека. Юмор, столь свойственный английскому народу, с большой силой проявляется в его сказках. Многие из них можно назвать юмористическими.
First you'll see the play" The Little Red Hen and the Grain of Wheat".Первая сказка называется «Маленькая красная курочка и зёрнышко пшеницы.»
The Little Red Hen and the Grain of Wheat
ONE day as the Little Red Hen was scratching in a field, she found a grain of wheat.
"This grain of wheat should be planted," she said, "Who will plant this grain of wheat?"
"Not I," said the Duck.
"Not I," said the Cat.
"Not I," said the Dog.
"Then I will," said the Little Red Hen. And she did.
Soon the wheat grew tall and yellow.
"The wheat is ripe," said the Little Red Hen. "Who will cut the wheat?"
"Not I," said the Duck,
"Not I," said the Cat.
"Not I," said the Dog.
"Then I will," said the Little Red Hen. And she did.
When the wheat was cut, the Little Red Hen said, "Who will thresh this wheat?"
"Not I," said the Duck.
"Not I," said the Cat.
"Not I," said the Dog.
"Then I will," said the Little Red Hen. And she did.
When the wheat was all threshed, the Little Red Hen said, "Who will take this wheat to the   
"Not I," said the Duck.
"Not I," said the Cat.
"Not I," said the Dog.
"Then I will," said the Little Red Hen. And she did. She took the wheat to the mill,
and it was  made into flour. Then she said, "Who will make this flour into bread?"
"Not I," said the Duck.
"Not I," said the Cat.
"Not I," said the Dog.
"Then I will," said the Little Red Hen. And she did.
She baked the bread. Then she said, "Who will eat this bread?"
"Oh! I will," said the Duck.
"And I will," said the Cat.
"And I will," said the Dog.
"No, no!" said the Little Red Hen. "I will do that." And she did.

The next play is “The Lost Birthday”  Следующая сказка «Потерянный день рождения

                                                                 The Lost Birthday
Story-teller: Once upon a time there was a big Father Elephant. He lived at Whipsnade Zoo near London with a Mother Elephant and their little son whose name was Yalmar. Watch the play and you'll see what happened.
(The Story-teller goes off. Father Elephant appears, stops in the middle of the stage, thinks for some time then stands on his head.. Mother Elephant enters.)
M. (in surprise): How funny you are! (Goes up to him.) What are you doing?
F.: I ... I am trying to remember something.
M.: To remember? What are you trying to remember?
F. (sadly): I don’t know.(He gets up and walks off.)
M.: Yalmar! Yalmar! Where are you? Come here!
Yalmar (runs in): What do you want, Mother dear?
M. (greatly excited): Run along, Yalmar, and find out what your father has forgotten.
(She goes off. Yalmar begins to walk up and down the stage very slowly. Then he stops near the    trees and sits down under one of them.)
Yalmar: I don't know where to find what my father has forgotten.
(Soon he hears the sound of crying “Help! Help!”. He gets up and looks around. He tries to find out who is crying, but sees nobody.)
Yalmar: Who are you? I can't see you.
(There is a voice from behind: "I'm a lost birthday and I don't know who I belong to.")
Yalmar: Oh, dear! That's sad! (Then he asks suddenly.) Is there a birthday cake?
(There is a voice from behind: "Of course! There's always a birthday cake on birthdays. This one's got six candles. Someone's six today.")
Yalmar (to the audience): How nice to be six. That's a very nice age. I'd like best to be six. (To the voice.) I'm sorry, but I can't help you. I don't know who's forgotten a birthday. Good-bye. I must go home..
F.: I remembered I knew it was yesterday or tomorrow... or today, and it is...
Yalmar (eagerly): It is what?
(Mother Elephant enters.)
M.: Your birthday, Yalmar. You're six today.
(Yalmar becomes very excited. He runs up to the tree near which he heard the voice of the lost birthday.)
Yalmar: Hallo! You're my birthday. I'm six today.
(There is a voice from behind: "Hooray, hooray, hooray!")
Story-teller: That afternoon at tea-time, Yalmar had a birthday cake with six candles.
F.: Happy birthday, my son.
Yalmar: Thanks very much, Father.
(Mother Elephant goes over to the cake.)
M.: Let's go and try the birthday cake.
(Yalmar blows all the candles out.)
Yalmar: It is fun! I like being six.

Listen to the song «Old Macdonald had a farm.» Послушайте песню «Была у старого Магдональда ферма.»

Let’s see the play «Whose hands are beautiful?»  Давайте посмотрим сказку «Чьи руки красивее?»
                                Whose hands are the most beautiful?
Once there lived three rich women. All days long they talked and had a fun. One day the at  the river and talked.
-Look at me. I’m so beautiful. My face is white as snow and my lips are red as roses.
-Look at me. I’m more beautiful. My face is white as snow and my lips are red as roses.
No ,no. I’m the most beautiful. My face is white as snow and my lips are red as roses.
-Look at my hands. They are so beautiful.
-Look at my hands. They are more beautiful.
-No, no. Look at my hands. They are the most beautiful.
A poor old man saw the rich women by the river and went up to them.
-Good afternoon, dear ladies! I’m very old and can’t work. Can you give me any bread?
-You are very stupid! We give nothing people. But you can help us. Look at our hands .Whose hands are the most beautiful?
The old man looked at their hands but didn’t  answer .
-What a stupid old man!
He went away. In another place by the river there was a young woman. She was poor and worked day and night.
-I’m very old and can’t work. Please give me some bread.
-Here you are.
-Come with me please. They went to the rich women. Now I can tell you whose hands are the most beautiful hands. Look at the hands of this poor woman. They work all day and night. Your white hands don’t work. Her hands are the most beautiful hands, because they give us bread.

Listen to the song «1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive.» Послушайте песню «Однажды я поймал рыбку.»

The last play is «Three sons.»

                                                               Three sons.
Once there lived three old women. One day they went to the river to bring water.
-Good afternoon, Mrs Finn! How are you?
-Good afternoon, Mrs Ross! I’m fine, thanks .And how are you?
-Fine, thanks.
-Good afternoon, Mrs Hog! How are you?
-Fine, thanks.
-It’s hot today. I’m tired.
-It’s hot today. I’m tired too .
 -Yes, it’s very hot today. I’m tired too.
-I want to tell you about my son. He is very strong and he helps people. I’m proud of him.
-I want to tell you about my son too. He can sing and dance very well. I’m proud of him. What about your son, Mrs Hog?
-I don’t know what to say. My son is not very strong. He can’t sing and dance .But I’m proud of him.
They saw the 1st son. He was strong and beautiful. But he didn’t note his mother and passed by.
They saw the 2nd son. He sang and danced very well. But he didn’t note his mother and passed by.
They saw the 3rd son.
-Can I help you, dear mother?
-Yes, you may my son. That’s why I’m proud of him.
The first  two women answered nothing. And what could they say?

Our party is over. Good-bye.

                                     Список используемых источников.